Intermediate (IM) Driver
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NDIS Intermediate Driver Questions
NDIS Intermediate drivers are supported on Microsoft platforms that provide NDIS 4.0 and higher. These are:
Microsoft Windows 98 Windows Millennium Microsoft Windows NT 4.0
SP3 and higher Microsoft Windows NT 5.0/2000 Microsoft NT 5.1/XP
Be sure that you are actually testing on a platform that has NDIS 4.0 or higher support. Some developers have gotten stuck testing on NT 4.0 without SP3 or SP4.
NDIS IM support on Windows 98 and Windows Me is "spotty". Not all NDIS IM functionality is properly exported across these platforms. In addition, Microsoft has never documented how to install NDIS IM drivers on these platforms. However, some developers have has some success in adapting the ATMLANE .INF to install their NDIS IM drivers.
Microsoft has provided two different NDIS Intermediate driver samples, including:
ImSamp Sample - The Microsoft Windows NT DDK team has a sample NDIS Intermediate (IM) Driver named "ImSamp" on their website at: |
http://support.microsoft.com/support/DDK/Ntddk/NTSamples/default.asp#Network Device Driver Samples
PassThru Sample - The Microsoft Windows 2000 DDK includes a different NDIS IM Driver sample "PassThru" under the directory: |
Both of these samples are useful.
PCAUSA offers NDIS Intermediate (IM) driver samples for the Windows NT 4.0 platform.
PCAUSA offers samples of an alternate technology called NDIS Pseudo-Intermediate (PIM) driver that provides the same logical functionality as NDIS IM drivers, but is easier to install and supports all Windows 9X and Windows Millennium platforms.
Working with NDISWAN/RAS and NDIS IM drivers has proven to be a difficult task. Here are some notes from developers that have worked on this problem and have decided to share their findings.
May 17, 1999 - Scott Meeuwsen has contributed a paper that describes changes you can make to a working Ethernet IM driver that will allow it to function with NDISWAN adapters over TCP/IP. Click the link below to view Mr. Meeuwsen's paper.
How to make an IM driver that works with NDISWAN over TCP/IP
Note: The approach described below by Andrew Zabolotny didn't work for Scott...
January 6, 1999 - Andrew Zabolotny <> has contributed a paper that includes his instructions on how to adapt a intermediate driver that works with network cards to make it work with RAS. Click the link below to view Mr. Zabolotny's paper.
Implementing An IM Driver That Works With RAS Under NT